Postdoctoral Researcher at Ivey Business School at Western University London, Ontario, Canada- Apply Now

Feb 25
By | Jobs

The Ivey Business School, Western University seeks postdoctoral scholars who wish to apply for a position as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Behavioural and Decision Sciences under the Western 2023 Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. This program seeks to attract diverse postdoctoral talent from a global candidate pool, who will contribute positively to research excellence.

The successful postdoctoral fellow will study young adult vaping decisions and behaviours. This position will include full time scholarship and research in London Ontario. The successful applicant will receive a stipend of $60,000/year plus benefits and a $5,000 research award.

The successful applicant will work with Dr. Laurel Austin and will be encouraged to foster inter-disciplinary collaboration with researchers across the university. The research will build upon on-going qualitative research that seeks to understand influences on vaping decisions and behaviours of youth aged 16-21. Current efforts focus on how the pandemic and related public health restrictions, e.g., extended stay-at-home orders, impacted vaping decisions and behaviours.


A mental models research method will form the basis of the research. The approach integrates two research traditions: elicitation and modelling of domain experts’ evidence-based beliefs about a topic to frame the research and guide analysis; and, in-depth interview research to elicit and describe the beliefs of other stakeholders. When appropriate, quantitative survey research follows to determine prevalence of beliefs at a population level. Risk communications may be developed as part of this research.

The successful applicant will have relevant training in behavioural and/or decision science research theories and methods, and have an interest in applying qualitative and quantitative research methods. Successful applicants might have a degree in cognitive psychology, decision sciences, behavioural sciences, behavioural economics, or health sciences. The start date will be approximately September 1, 2023.

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There is a two-phase adjudication process for the Western Postdoctoral Fellowship program:

·     By April 26: Express your interest in applying for this fellowship by contacting Dr. Laurel Austin at Please send an introductory email/cover-letter, an up-to-date CV, a sample of your academic writing, and the names and emails of at least two academic references. You may ask up to two references to send letters of recommendations directly to Dr. Austin, if time allows.

·     By May 10: The selected Scholar will be invited to submit a Western Fellowship Application including letters of support from two (2) referees. Dr. Austin will submit a letter of support as part of the application. Applications will be adjudicated by a committee within Ivey Business School and selected applications will be submitted to the university for adjudication by a committee chaired by the Associate Vice-President (Research). Adjudication criteria can be found in the Western Fellowship Program Guidelines.

If you would like more information about this opportunity, please contact Laurel Austin directly at at your earliest convenience.


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